Pressure Charts

Pressure Rating Charts

Below burst pressure estimates are based on using Barlow's Formula.

* Barlow’s Formula is expressed as:
Tubing - (2 * MTS * t)/d for estimating theoretical burst pressure.
Pipe - (2 * MTS * t)/D for estimating theoretical burst pressure.

For tubing, outside diameter (D) can be substituted in the calculation for a more conservative value, however the use of inside diameter (d) has been proven valid. The end user should determine the appropriate working pressure and safety factor for the specific application given all relevant operating conditions.

MTS = Minimum tensile strength (psi); MYS = Minimum yield strength (psi); t = Nominal wall thickness (inches); d = Nominal inside diameter (inches);
D = Nominal outside diameter (inches); Working pressure = 1/4 of theoretical burst pressure
Pressure ratings are based on 100° F operating environment only

** Theoretical yield pressure is the point of permanent deformation and calculated by substituting the MYS value in the equation.
*** Collapse pressure estimate shown is per API 5C3 calculation. Formula: (2 * MYS * (D/t - 1)) / (D/t)2


NPS Oustide DiameterSchedActual O.D. (in)Nom. Wall (in)MYS (PSI)MTS (PSI)Theoretical Burst Pressure * (PSI)Working Pressure (PSI) 25% of BurstTheoretical Yield Point ** (PSI)Collapse Pressure *** (PSI)


OD inchesAve. Wall inchesMin Yield Strength (PSI)Min Tensile Strength (PSI)Theoretical Burst Pressure * (PSI)Working Pressure (PSI) 25% of BurstTheoretical Yield Point ** (PSI)Collapse Pressure *** (PSI)

Rated Internal Working Pressure for Copper Tube: ACR (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Filed Service)

Tube Size (OD)S=6000 psi 100 FS=5100 psi 150 FS=4900 psi 200FS=4800 psi 250FS=4700 psi 300 FS=4000 psi 350FS=3000 psi 400F

Pressure Rating for Seamless Stainless Coils ASTM A269 316/316L

OD (Inches)Ave. Wall (Inches)Min Yield Strenght (PSI)Min Tensile Strenght (PSI)Theroetical Burst Pressure (PSI)